Code Foils AR Series Tail Wings

Code Foils AR Series Tail Wings
The Code tails comes in five sizes, the 142AR, 150AR, 158AR, 175AR and the 188AR.
These tails offer different characteristics but still feel really similar. The AR tail range offers superior glide balanced with great carving ability.
The 175AR and 188AR Tail Wings are the next sizes up of 142AR, 150AR and 158AR tails. They offer more stability and bottom end for learners and riders who need a bit more low end from their front wing. If you want your foil setup to go to a lower gear, this is the tail for you.
The right tail for you will depend on your weight, desired discipline, and ability.
For example, a downwind foil beginner to intermediate user would find comfort on the 188AR. It will help them maintain height, power, and security via a lower stall speed once up on foil. This tail rolls well for its size, but if you want more manoeuvrability, you may want to size down to the 175AR.
- The most versatile tail wings in our range suitable for all levels of rider
- Fast and extremely efficient with excellent glide.
- Maneuverable with great carving ability.
- Available in five sizes 142, 150, 158, 175 and 188
- 142Ar Tail Wing
SPAN: 340mm
AREA: 142cm2
A/R: 8.5
The 142AR is the little brother of the 150AR. This is incredibly loose. It is a tail for the more advanced rider when used with small front wings, but still offers variation to the foiling experience when paired with the larger 980S front wing. Definitely worth purchasing if you want a loose, fast and critical tail in your quiver whilst sacrificing only a little bit of glide.
150Ar Tail Wing
SPAN: 360mm
AREA: 150mc2
A/R: 8.5
The 150AR tail wing was designed as an all round tail wing. This wing sits in the middle of our range offering that perfect balance between surf-ability and glide. We recommend this wing for the intermediate to advanced rider. For beginners, or those that have less powerful conditions try our our 158AR.
158Ar Tail Wing
SPAN: 380mm
AREA: 158cm2
A/R: 8.5
The 158AR tail offers further stability to the setup. The larger size and area offer a solution for the beginner to intermediate market. During wing foil testing this wing has also been incredibly popular when paired with the 720S front wing and short fuse for a unique feel. It’s a solid goto tail for downwind conditions, offering stability in bigger swells. Prone surfers enjoy getting slightly more lift and glide in the pump out using this tail without compromising too much through their turns.
175Ar Tail Wing
SPAN: 420mm
AREA: 175cm2
A/R: 8.5
The 175AR Tail Wing is the next size up in the AR range. It is a good choice for learners and riders who need a bit more low end from their front wing. It is a scaled up version of the existing tails, so riders will find it familiar. It is also a good choice for beginner to intermediate users in all disciplines. This tail will help them maintain height, power, and security via a lower stall speed once up on foil. It rolls well for its size and is great for wrapping turns in light conditions. To keep this tail loose and manoeuvrable we suggest pairing with the small fuselage.
188Ar Tail Wing
SPAN: 450mm
AREA: 188cm2
A/R: 8.5
The 188AR tail wing is the biggest tail Code Foils offer in their range of tails. It offers incredible stability and bottom end, making it a good choice for learners and riders who need a bit more low end from their front wing. We suggest pairing this tail with the large fuselage and the 1130S if you are new to foiling. This is a great choice for beginner to intermediate riders for downwind foil, wing foil, surf foil or pump foil starting out in the sport. Our advanced riders have been enjoying this tail when riding bigger, faster waves when wing, tow or surf foiling. They have found they get more hold and stability when paired with the 720S front wing. However, it does not roll as well as the 175AR, so if you want more manoeuvrability, you may want to size down.
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